Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) – she was one of the first women – doctors in Italy, anthropologist and educator. For more than 50 years she worked with children of different nationalities, races and different material status. She was devoted to discovering the needs and abilities of the child. Thanks to many years of observation she created philosophical, psychological and pedagogical principles of working with children – a new method of education.
“I learned the child. I learned everything what child showed me and I expressed this communicate. As the result, the method of Maria Montessori was established”. Dr. Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was a scientist and that is why her methods were based on evidence. The evidence was CHILDREN she worked with, children who attend today’s Montessori kindergartens and schools all over the world. Her secret of education is to recognize and observe the man of the divine and to love and to serve it as well as noticing the child wonders and assist in his development. The pedagogy of Maria Montessori’s teaching is tailored to the individual needs and abilities of each child in a specially prepared for him environment equipped with educational development aids.
“Education should never be mainly knowledge transfer but it must take a new form, seeking the release of the human capacity”. Dr. Maria Montessori
The basis of the Montessori’s method is respect for the individuality, physical education, mentality, spirituality and emotions of each child. Montessori observed that children have an innate desire to learn, which makes them happy. From their birth to the age of 6 children are explorers, who mainly use their senses, building themselves and their intellect by taking in what exists in the environment, in their reality - language, customs, culture, beauty, and religion. Montessori called learning new skills by sensitive phase of development of the child - this is the time when the science data content and skills of the child comes easily.